Welcome to Temple Beth Sholom Online

Temple Beth Sholom, located in the center of Hull on Boston’s South Shore, is an inclusive conservative community that explores, celebrates, and cultivates Jewish life!
Temple Beth Sholom is a beit tefillah, a house of prayer. It is a place where the spiritual life that is so essential to Jewishness and the human condition can be pursued not only through learning, but through communing with the divine. Our various religious services embody our commitment to the community, and our support for those who mourn. We proudly celebrate Shabbat in observance of the perpetual covenant that goes back to Sinai. All are welcome!
Temple Beth Sholom is a beit knesset, a house of assembly. It is here that we come together as a community for celebrations of family and sacred times, as well as to break bread together and enjoy cultural events. We also consider and discuss issues facing the local and global communities to which we belong. All are welcome!
Temple Beth Sholom is a beit midrash, a house of study. We have a variety of programs for all who wish to learn about Judaism, whether it be learning Hebrew, studying prayers, or exploring the meaning of kashrut. The Rabbi’s Torah Study and Adult Education are great ways of learning the Torah’s lessons and apply them to modern life, as our ancestors have done for more than three millennia--l’dor v’dor.
All are welcome!