This Shabbat we read from two scrolls
The Vayakhel Scroll Studying the Mishkan: Rabbeinu Bachaya strongly encourages us to study, as deeply as possible, the entire system of the Mishkan/Tabernacle, the dimensions of all its vessels, etc., for there is great advantage in this pursuit. He states that whether or not we reach the higher plane of discovering some of the secret meanings in these items and their measurements, or even if we determine little more than the mathematical computations involved, in the z’chut, merit, that we show such dedicated interest in the Mishkan, God will restore it to us. This is the deeper meaning of the daily Psalm that we read on Mondays (Psalm 48,) which concludes with these verses: "Surround Zion, count its towers, note carefully its courtyards" (i.e. study well its dimensions... for what purpose?... so that the day will come that you can say: "This is God, our God" i.e. the Shechinah will once again be present and felt in the rebuilt Mikdash.) Shekalim: The Maftir Scroll This section is read to mark this Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh Adar II-Shabbat Shekalim. It is a preparation for Purim which we will commemorate during the coming month. It mandates a contribution from each Jew of a half-shekel for the upkeep of holy space. The funds also underwrote the communal sacrifices offered daily in the Temple. The fiscal year for the Temple began in Nissan, the first month of our calendar, so the reading served as a reminder of the due date approaching for this tax and of the necessity to pay it over to the Kohanim. Haftorat Shekalim This prophetic reading reinforces the message of individual contributions for the greater good; for the administration of sacrifices and the upkeep of sacred space. As we have evolved from the concept of animal sacrifice as a method of atonement of sins to our present practice of pursuing acts of chesed and tzedakah, this Haftorah urges us to support our religious and charitable institutions. We can do this with funds as well as donating our time and talents to the public good, to our Temple and to other worthy organizations.
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